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Frequently asked questions about driving recorders

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Update Time :2023-06-10 10:28:14

Common Fault Causes and Solutions for Hard Disk Video Recorders

A. Fault phenomenon: The digital hard disk recorder cannot start.

Cause analysis: Host power switch failure; The host power supply is damaged. The host motherboard or CPU card is faulty. The boot area of the main system disk is damaged, or the disk itself is malfunctioning. The operating system is damaged.

Solution: Carefully analyze the above reasons and eliminate them one by one.

B. Fault description: The digital hard disk recorder crashes (the on-site supervision image does not move or the time information superimposed on the image does not go).

Cause analysis: Software issues, PC type hard disk hosts including operating system or monitoring software failures, embedded hard disk video hosts being monitoring software issues, and system software files being damaged; Host storage hard drive

Bad sectors in the disk; Insufficient power supply to the host; The host has too many hard drives, resulting in too much heat; Excessive heating of the host graphics card can cause a crash.

Solution: Reinstall the system or monitoring software on the PC hard drive host. Embedded hosts require software upgrades; Repair or replace the hard drive. Replace high-power power supply; Replace the graphics card or host.

C. The system automatically shuts down.

Reason analysis: Nowadays, mainstream motherboards all have CPU temperature monitoring function. Once the CPU temperature is too high and exceeds the temperature set in the motherboard BIOS, the motherboard will automatically cut off the power to protect the relevant hardware. On the other hand, power management and virus software in the system can also cause automatic shutdown.

Solution: If you frequently shut down suddenly, check if the CPU's heat dissipation is normal. In the startup box, check if the fan blades are working properly. In BIOS, check the fan speed and CPU operating temperature. If the fan is faulty, please remove any dust from the fan or replace it with a better quality fan. If the power supply is aged or damaged, it can be confirmed by replacing the power supply. If the power supply is broken, it will be replaced with a new one to avoid burning the hardware. Of course, there is also a possibility of poisoning, entering the system, covering the installation power management from the installation CD, and thoroughly killing the virus. At the same time, regularly update antivirus software virus libraries, reduce the use of pirated DVDs, and do not download unknown email attachments.

D. Fault phenomenon: The hard disk recorder crashes or frequently restarts after hardware upgrades, such as adding a hard disk, adding a recorder, or replacing a high-performance graphics card.

Reason analysis: Upgrading a hard disk recorder, such as installing a high-speed drive, can result in crashes or restarts due to high speed and power consumption, increasing the load on the power supply. The original power supply did not take into account the current power consumption of hard drives, graphics cards, and high-speed optical drives, so the output power of the power supply is not too high. In addition, some brand power supplies themselves "shrink" and cannot provide enough power. When system equipment increases and power consumption increases, the output voltage of the inferior power supply will sharply decrease, ultimately leading to system instability and automatic restart.

Solution: Replace with a high-power, high-quality power supply.

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